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Easiest Way to Prepare Tasty Apple Mummies with Cream Cheese Puss Dip * Halloween *

Apple Mummies with Cream Cheese Puss Dip * Halloween *.

Apple Mummies with Cream Cheese Puss Dip * Halloween *

You can have Apple Mummies with Cream Cheese Puss Dip * Halloween * using 11 ingredients and 14 steps. Here is how you cook that.

Table of Contents

Ingredients of Apple Mummies with Cream Cheese Puss Dip * Halloween *

  1. It’s of mummy apples.
  2. It’s 3 large of apples ( any kind will work ) (just pick your favorite).
  3. It’s 2 can of pillsburry butter recipe crescent rolls (8oz.).
  4. You need 1/2 cup of graanulated sugar.
  5. It’s 1 1/2 tbsp of ground cinnamon.
  6. You need 1/2 tbsp of nutmeg.
  7. You need 1 of raisins or black writing icing (optional.. see direction).
  8. Prepare of cream cheese puss dip.
  9. Prepare 8 oz of cream cheese (softened).
  10. Prepare 1 tbsp of vanilla extract.
  11. It’s 1/2 cup of brown sugar.

Apple Mummies with Cream Cheese Puss Dip * Halloween * step by step

  1. preheat oven to 375°.
  2. OPTIONAL: peel apples if desired: I leave my peels on..
  3. core and slice apples into wedges.. about 8-10 wedges per apple…
  4. open crescent rolls and roll out each half seperatly. flatten a bit and crimp seams unless using seamless..and cut each section into 5 long strips..
  5. wrap each apple wedge in one strip to look like banadges ( u may not use the whole strip: if u don't reserve to make additional strips) leave an opening for your apple mummy's eyes..
  6. repeat until u run out of apple or crescent…
  7. in a bowl mix together apple mummy seasonings…
  8. roll each mummified apple wedge into the cinnamon mixture..
  9. place apple mummies onto lightly spray, foiled baking sheet..
  10. bake until dough is fully cooked and apple is turning soft.. it will still have some firmness in center.. that's ok u don't want the apple mushy. but u do want the crescent slightly crisp..
  11. meanwhile using a beater on medium/high mix all dip ingredients..
  12. when apples are done use black writer icing for the eyes or u can use some of the "dip" to glue raisin eyes in place..
  13. serve mummy apples with dip…
  14. makes about 20 mummy apple wedges..
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